Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE Tizera Tizer Screensavera tiztron.scr tizer\scrsaver There is not enough space available on the disk Please free up some space or change the target location to a different disk Copying program files... TIZ.Za Copying program files...? Unable to create a directory under b Please check write access to this directory.* General file transfer error.a0 Please check your target location and try again.$ Error Number:$ Related File: $ Windows Copying windows files... WIN.Za Copying windows files...? Unable to create a directory under b Please check write access to this directory.* General file transfer error.a0 Please check your target location and try again.$ Error Number:$ Related File: $ system.ini& boota scrnsave.exeR system.ini% tiztron$ boota scrnsave.exeb! system.ini% tiztron$ boota scrnsave.exeb tiztron.ini& ScreenSaver.Tizertrona FlicFileR tiztron.ini% tiztron$ ScreenSaver.Tizertrona FlicFileb tiztron.ini& ScreenSaver.Tizertrona SpeedR tiztron.ini.ini ScreenSaver.Tizertrona Speedb tiztron.ini& ScreenSaver.Tizertrona xPositionR tiztron.ini ScreenSaver.Tizertrona xPositionb tiztron.ini& ScreenSaver.Tizertrona yPositionR tiztron.ini ScreenSaver.Tizertrona yPositionb tiztron.ini& ScreenSaver.Tizertrona PWProtectedR tiztron.ini ScreenSaver.Tizertrona PWProtectedb tiztron.ini& ScreenSaver.Tizertrona FlicWidthR tiztron.ini ScreenSaver.Tizertrona FlicWidthb tiztron.ini& ScreenSaver.Tizertrona FlicHeightR tiztron.ini ScreenSaver.Tizertrona FlicHeightb tiztron.ini& ScreenSaver.Tizertrona CentredR tiztron.ini ScreenSaver.Tizertrona Centredb tiztrona LAZER256.FLC -N"% SCRMONO.WAV" -R11 -S4.0$ APPLE256.FLC -N"% SCRMONO.WAV" -R11 -S4.0$ LAZER256.FLC -N"% SCRMONO.WAV" -R11 -S4.0$ CD256.FLC -N"% SCRMONO.WAV" -R11 -S4.0$ LAZER256.FLC -N"% SCRMONO.WAV" -R11 -S4.0$ CHEES256.FLC -N"% SCRMONO.WAV" -R11 -S4.0$ LAZER256.FLC -N"% SCRMONO.WAV" -R11 -S4.0$ TIZ256.FLC -N"% SCRMONO.WAV" -R11 -S4.0$ LAZER256.FLC -N"% SCRMONO.WAV" -R11 -S4.0$ TIZBU256.FLC -N"% WRDEND.WAV" -R20 -L8 -S6.0$ STRBU256.FLC -N"% WRDEND3.WAV" -L40 -S14.9 -I toblack 1.000$ LAZER256.FLC -N"% SCRMONO.WAV" -R11 -S4.0$ CHEES256.FLC -N"% SCRMONO.WAV" -R11 -S4.0$ LAZER256.FLC -N"% SCRMONO.WAV" -R11 -S4.0$ CD256.FLC -N"% SCRMONO.WAV" -R11 -S4.0$ LAZER256.FLC -N"% SCRMONO.WAV" -R11 -S4.0$ APPLE256.FLC -N"% SCRMONO.WAV" -R11 -S4.0$ LAZER256.FLC -N"% SCRMONO.WAV" -R11 -S4.0$ TIZ256.FLC -N"% SCRMONO.WAV" -R11 -S4.0$ TIZBU256.FLC -N"% WRDEND.WAV" -R40 -L16 -S6.0$ STRBU256.FLC -N"% WRDEND3.WAV" -L40 -S14.9 -I toblack 1.000$ Loop 1000 Installation complete.$ Screen Saver installation has been successfully completed. For best results this product requires a 256 Colour display and a sound-card. < : b Installing a Tizertron Screensaver Screen-Saver SetupA This program requires VGA or better resolution.A All Software distributed from Knowledge Plus Solutions Ltd has been scanned for viruses. However, being free distribution software, this disk may have been duplicated or modified several times since leaving our distribution centre. Knowledge Plus Solutions Ltd assume no responsiblity for the integrity of the software on this disk. By continuing you agree to waive any and all liability against Knowledge Plus Solutions Ltd resulting from the use of this software The Knowledge Plus application requires the following hardware to run most effectively: - 640x480 resolution, 256 colour monitor - Sound Card - 4 megabytes of free ram - 4 megabytes of hard disk space - Windows 3.xx or Windows 95* 3.00.071